Cookie Policy


The website uses its own and third-party cookies. A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among others purposes, ensure the correct functioning of the page, allow the User faster access to the services selected, store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or device and In fact, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, they can use to recognize the user. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer or device and do not provide references that allow us to know your personal data, unless express permission of that one.
The user can, at any time, accept or reject installed cookies that are not strictly necessary for the correct functioning of the website and the User’s access to its services, through the adjustment panel of cookies provided on our website. Likewise, you can configure your browser at any time without This impairs the User’s ability to access the content. However, we inform you that the rejection of cookies can reduce the proper functioning of the website.


According to the EU directive, cookies that require informed consent from the user are those analytical cookies, advertising and affiliation cookies, excepting those of a technical nature and necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user.


a) Depending on the entity that manages them, there are own Cookies (those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service is provided requested by the user) and from third parties (those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies).
b) Depending on the time they remain active, there are session ones (designed to request and store data while the user accesses a web page) and persistent ones (in which the data is stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie – it can range from minutes to several years).
c) Depending on the purpose for which they process the information they collect, they may be:
– Technical cookies (necessary for the use of the website and the provision of the contracted service),
– Personalization cookies (which allow the user to access the service with predefined characteristics, such as now the language, browser types, regional settings, etc.)
– Analysis cookies (collect information about the use of the website),
– Advertising cookies (collect information about users’ personal preferences and choices),
– Affiliate cookies (allow you to track visits from other websites, with which the place website establishes an affiliation contract).


While you browse our website, cookies from our networks may be stored in your Below we indicate the links to the social media cookies that we use inthis website:


Name Expiration Function
wp-settings-time-* 1 Year to store user preferences.
wordpress-logged_in_* 1 Year to store registered users.
twk_uuid_* 6 Months with unknown functionality.
wp-settings-* 1 Year to store user preferences.
wordpress-sec_* 15 days To protect against hackers, store account details.
wordpress-test-cookie Session to read if cookies can be placed.
wp-settings-time-1 1Year to store user preferences.
wp-settings-time-1 1Year to store user preferences.


Name Expiration Function
PHPSESSID Session to provide features on all pages.


Name Expiration Function
wp-wpml-current-admin-language_* 1 Year to store the language settings.
wp-wpml-current-language 1 Day to store user preferences.


Name Expiration Function
__Secure-ENID 1 Year Used to store user preferences and information, such as language preferences.
__Secure-3PSIDTS 1 Year Secure persistent cookie from Google services
__Secure-3PSIDCC 1 Year and 1 Month Used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests.
__Secure-3PSID 1 Year and 1 Month Used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests.
__Secure-3PAPISID 1 Year Used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests.
__Secure-1PSIDTS 1 Year Used to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps
__Secure-1PSIDCC 1 Year Used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests.
__Secure-1PSID 1 Year and 1 Month Used to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps.
__Secure-1PAPISID 1 Year and 1 Month Used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests.
SSID 1Year and 1Month With unknown functionality.
SOCOS 2Year Used to confirm the authenticity of visitors, protect visitor data and avoid fraudulent use of credentials.
SIDCC 1Year to provide identification of trusted web traffic
SID 1Year to provide ad delivery or retargeting, provide prevention of, fraud.
SEARCH-SAMESITE 6 Tables used for correcttd,sending data to Google.
SAPISID 1Year and 1Month Used, to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps
OTZ 1Year used for advertising and to analyze the use of the td, search engine
NID 6 Months used to display Google ads on Google services to users who do not have the logged in.
DV 1 Year to provide ad delivery or retargeting.
HSID 1 Year and 1 Month to provide fraud prevention.
CONSENT 1 Year with unknown functionality..
APISID 1 Year with unknown functionality.
1P_JAR 1Year This cookie carries information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user has seen before visiting this website.

4.2. Functioning

TECSEAL,S.A. is not responsible for interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the User’s systems or in their documents or files motivated by causes beyond the control of TECSEAL,S.A. or in case these security measures have been adopted reasonably suitable. Likewise, TECSEAL,S.A. does not assume responsibility for delays or blockages in the operational functioning of the Portal caused by deficiencies or overload in the telephone lines or in Internet, as well as damages caused by third parties through illegitimate interference. TECSEAL,S.A. reserves the right to suspend access to the Portal for maintenance operations, repair and/or improvement.

4.3. Links

TECSEAL,S.A. is not responsible for the contents and services of those web pages that may be linked in the Portal beyond the responsibility assigned by Law 34/2002, of July 12, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, to the extent that it may have knowledge cash of the illegality of the contents and services provided on the linked web portal and do not deactivate the link with the due dilegence.
If you wish to inform us of the existence of a link to a website with content that considers inappropriate or unlawful you may contact us at

5. Data protection

You can access detailed information regarding the processing of personal data that TECSEAL,S.A. carries to term of Users by visiting our Privacy Policy.

6. Legislation

This Legal Notice is governed and interpreted, if necessary, by common Spanish legislation.
and, except that it is ble otherwise in the applicable regulations, any conflict is submitted by the parties to judges and courts of the city of Barcelona.

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